Global Talent Movement - Oil & Gas
The Oil & Gas sector is enjoying a resurgence at present. Many of headlines associated with companies in the industry are positive and there is increased confidence for the future.
What does this mean for talent in the sector? Does this encourage further talent movement? Will talent look to return to the sector having migrated to a perceived to be less volatile environment? Will new talent be encouraged to consider Oil & Gas as an industry of choice?
According to LinkedIn 167,848 professionals have changed jobs and company to this sector in the last 12 months. Whilst 390,999 are currently ‘open to opportunities’. The movement and desire to move appears to be accelarating which could be driven by employer demand or individual desire to move. We share with you the companies who have been hiring talent at the most aggressive rate in that 12 months.
Companies with less than 1000 employees
1. North Oil Company Qatar - https://noc.qa
2. Petro-Canada Lubricants - https://lubricants.petro-canada.com/en-gb
3. PinnacleART - https://pinnacleart.com
4. Spirit Energy - https://www.spirit-energy.com
5. Inter Pipeline - http://www.interpipeline.com
Companies with 1001-5000 employees
1. Qatargas - https://www.qatargas.com/english
2. Anadarko Petroleum Corporation - https://www.anadarko.com
3. PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam - https://www.pertamina.com/en/home
4. Tengizchevroil - http://www.tengizchevroil.com
5. XTO Energy - https://xtoenergy.com
Companies with 5000+ employees
1. Shell - https://www.shell.com
2. Exxon Mobil - https://corporate.exxonmobil.com/en
3. Total - https://www.total.com/en
4. Schlumberger - https://www.slb.com
5. Halliburton - https://www.halliburton.com/en-US/default.html
These companies are leading the way in terms of bringing in new talent. The perception of a global resurgence is further enhanced by the geographical spread of current hiring patterns. In fact four continents are represented in the top five countries for movement (USA, UK, Canada, India, Brazil accounting for the top five). Indonesia and Australia are in the top 10!
The market appears buoyant and Talascend International has a truly global reach when it comes to the recruitment of project and engineering professionals within the Oil & Gas sector.
Should you be in search of opportunity or looking to hire professionals within our specialisms please do not hesitate to get in touch at manchester@talascendint.com